Established in 2020 by Lottie Baxter, Love at First Sight Vintage exists as an online boutique and travelling pop up shop, supplying climate conscious consumers with a sustainable alternative to fast fashion.

The mission is simple; to locally source and curate high quality, vintage garments, and sell them at an affordable price point, to increase the accessibility of ethical fashion.

Every item is hand picked by Lottie herself, locally in the East Midlands, and the business is run from her home studio in Nottingham.

With five years experience in the industry, and a first class degree in Fashion Communication & Promotion under her belt, Lottie has gained extensive knowledge about garment quality and composition, fashion history, and trend forecasting, meaning you can guarantee all collections are carefully curated with quality and timeless trendiness in mind.

To keep up with Love at First Sight’s regular launches and national events, become a member of the community by subscribing to the newsletter below, reading our blog, and following @loveatfirstsightvintage on social media.

The Love Story

Aged seventeen, I found a vintage silk scarf in my mum’s wardrobe and “borrowed” it. I styled it as a top throughout the summer and started hunting for more at car boot sales and antique fairs. On a boring day during lockdown, I decided to list a few on Depop, and before I knew it, I was making enough money selling scarf tops to quit my job.

Over the past few years, my knowledge and love of vintage clothing and sustainable fashion has not stopped growing. My passion is so big that my loved ones are sick of hearing about it, and acquaintances refer to me as ‘The Vintage Girl’, but I take great pride in knowing I’ve saved thousands of items from landfill.

Over the past five years, Love at First Sight Vintage has blossomed into a community of stylish vintage lovers whom I am eternally grateful for. Thank you so much for your endless support xxx

Hello, I’m Lottie, the founder of Love at First Sight Vintage, it’s lovely to meet you!

Love at First Sight was established in 2020, when I was just seventeen, after completing a research project at college that opened my eyes to the harmful impact the fashion industry has on people and the planet.

I’ve been shopping second hand all my life. Growing up, my wardrobe was mostly made up of my cousin’s hand me downs and the odd £1 bargain my mum found in the charity shop. My Wednesday evenings were spent at the flea market, and my Sundays were reserved for car booting, and this is where my love for sustainable fashion began!